Tuxedo koi guppies stand out in freshwater tanks. They have a tuxedo-like color pattern. This makes them look very unique.
These are a special type of fancy guppy. They are called tuxedo lyretail guppies or tuxedo fantail guppies.
The male guppies have black and white patterns. This looks like a tiny tuxedo suit. The white background makes the black really pop. There is often a black spot on the dorsal fin. This spot looks like a little bow tie.
Male guppies also have bright colors. You may see orange, yellow, blue or metallic colors. No two guppies look the same.
Caring for these guppies is fairly easy. Give them at least a 10 gallon tank. Good filtration is important. Partial water changes help keep the water clean. Feed them high quality foods 2-3 times per day.
Tuxedo koi guppies breed very easily. Females give birth every 4-6 weeks. The babies grow fast, reaching maturity in 2-3 months.
Although guppies are small, tuxedo koi varieties shouldn’t be housed in tiny tanks. Give them at least 10 gallons, although something in the 20-30 gallon range is ideal. This gives them adequate swimming room and dilutes fish waste. Good filtration and weekly partial water changes are a must to keep guppy diseases at bay. Planting the tank heavily also improves water quality.
Water Conditions
Pay special attention to water conditions when keeping guppies of any variety. They prefer slightly hard and alkaline fresh water between 70-82°F. The pH range should be 7.0 to 8.4. Test ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates routinely and correct any issues, as guppies are sensitive to poor water quality.
Flake foods, guppy pellets, freeze dried treats, and the occasional blanched greens keep tuxedo koi guppies healthy and vibrant. Feed them 2-3 small meals daily, making sure all food is consumed within a few minutes. This prevents waste buildup and obesity.
Tank Mates
Tuxedo koi guppies are peaceful community fish. They mix well with other small, non-aggressive species that require similar water conditions like neon tetras, mollies, cory catfish, dwarf gourami, platies, danios, rasboras and barbs. Avoid larger semi-aggressive fish that may bully or eat petite guppies.
Breeding Tuxedo Koi Guppies
One thing guppies excel at is reproducing rapidly. Tuxedo koi guppies are no exception. In fact, they tend to be even more prolific breeders than wild-type guppies. The tuxedo pattern is a co-dominant trait, meaning you have a good chance of it being passed down from generation to generation.
It’s easy to distinguish between male and female tuxedo guppies. Females are muted tan or silver while males sport all the flashy colors, fins and patterns. Interested in breeding? Simply keep a few pairs together in a well planted 10-20 gallon aquarium with no other fish that may snack on the babies. Provide excellent water quality. That’s all there is to it!
Females can store sperm for up to 6 months and give birth to 2-200 baby guppies called fry every 4-6 weeks. Fry are tiny but grow rapidly, reaching maturity in as little as 2-3 months.
Varieties of Tuxedo Koi Guppies
Tuxedo koi guppies encompass several different tail types and color patterns. Some of the possible varieties you may come across when shopping for tuxedo guppies include:
– Tuxedo lyretail guppies: These have a rounded, fan-shaped tail with flaring outer rays that resemble a musical lyre.
– Tuxedo delta guppies: Delta refers to the Greek letter delta shape of their long, flowing triangular tail.
-Tuxedo half black pastel guppies: As the name implies, only roughly half of the body shows the black tuxedo pattern. The rest of the body is a solid pastel color like sky blue, mint green or pink.
– Albino tuxedo guppies: Lacking melanin pigment, these guppies have a pale pink/white tuxedo pattern over a glassy-clear body. Red eyes distinguish them from normal colored varieties.
No matter what variety piques your interest, adding tuxedo koi guppies to your freshwater aquarium brings stunning contrast and sophistication. Their bold black and white elegance mixed with a splash of color makes them swimming standouts!

Louis Vu, the Lead Writer at TanknFish.com, holds a Master’s degree in Marine Biology and brings over 6 years of expertise in the world of aquatics and fish care. With a profound passion for aquatic life, Louis is committed to delivering insightful and practical advice to help enthusiasts maintain vibrant and healthy fish tanks. Connect with Louis on social media: Instagram and Pinterest
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